Adoptable Sewers

With the development of new and retrofitted foul, stormwater and SuDS drainage networks, the ability to discharge into local sewer networks (or local water courses for stormwater only) is essential. Depending on the design and routing of the proposed scheme, the local planning authority, county council and water company may wish to adopt the sewer and operate it as part of the overall network.


Earliest is Best
Adopted sewer systems must meet the national standards for drainage systems. It is important to discuss this at the earliest possible stage in the design process, due to Section 38 and Section 104 submissions being approved by the adopting water company and council. The adopting authority's or company's requirements with regard to the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the systems must also be met and vary from region to region.

Comprehensive Range
Our comprehensive range of adoptable sewer systems have a design life in excess of 100 years and are suitable for all sewer network applications. Polysewer, Ridgisewer and Ridgistorm-XL thermoplastic structured walled piping systems, in diameters 150-3000mm, are manufactured to meet the material requirements of BS EN 13476:2007 (Part 1-3), Plastic Piping Systems for Non-Pressure Underground Drainage and Sewerage.

