Sewer Systems
We offer the UK's largest range of sewer systems, combining unrivalled expertise in engineered thermoplastics with the ability to deliver high quality on the scale required by major projects. This is backed by our technical support, for which our reputation is second to none.
Polysewer, Ridgisewer and Ridgistorm-XL, with diameters from 150-3000mm inclusive, offer integrally socketed sewer pipes for all gravity sewer projects.
Exceptional Standards
From adoptable sewers to Capital Works water treatment works, pumping stations and combined sewer overflows, our products and systems comply with CESWI and Sewers for Adoption, have BBA and/or WRc approval, and are approved by the UK water companies.
Design life
Our products have a lifespan of over 100 years, and are manufactured with an engineered structured wall. Their robust construction and excellent resistance against chemical and sulphate attack means they can be specified with complete confidence on even the most challenging projects.
Helping you deliver Totex-efficient projects
Polypipe systems and support are designed to help you plan projects in terms of total expenditure (Totex), and deliver value over its whole life.
Health & Safety First
As our thermoplastic pipes are so much lighter than traditional materials such as concrete, they are inherently superior in terms of on-site Health and Safety. Additionally, our manholes and chambers have integral lifting points for safer installation, while our Guardrail and Safety Chain Assemblies are carefully designed to provide optimum Health & Safety conditions during inspection and maintenance activities.
Our Ridgistorm-XL system has an optional factory fitted low flow channel increasing velocities of water under low flow, potentially reducing the frequency of maintenance.

Polysewer Integrally Socketed Pipe
Polysewer is a series of PVCu structured wall pipes and fittings available in 150mm, 225mm and 300mm diameters, supplied in standard 3m lengths (6m lengths are also available). Polysewer is manufactured ...
Polysewer Sealing Rings
Polysewer Sealing Rings are designed to complement our Polysewer Integrally Socketed structured wall pipes and fittings, available in 150mm, 225mm and 300mm diameters. They are manufactured in accordanc ...
Polysewer Couplers
Polysewer Couplers are manufactured in both double socket and double socket slip couplings, with both types supplied with 2 seals. They are available in 150mm, 225mm and 300mm diameters and are manufact ...
Polysewer Bends
Polysewer Bends are manufactured in 150mm, 225mm and 300mm diameters and are available in radii of 15°,30°,45° and 90°. They are manufactured in accordance with BSI Kitemark License number KM582885 ...
Polysewer Junctions
Polysewer Junctions are manufactured in both equal and unequal designs from 150-300mm, with both 45°and 90° junction radii available. They are manufactured in accordance with BSI Kitemark License numb ...
Polysewer End Caps
Polysewer End Caps are manufactured in 150mm, 225mm and 300mm diameters to complement our Polysewer range of PVCu structured wall pipes and fittings. They are BBA Approved and are each supplied with 1 s ...
Polysewer Socket Plugs
Polysewer Socket Plugs are manufactured in 150mm, 225mm and 300mm diameters. They are manufactured in accordance with BSI Kitemark License number KM582885 to BS EN 13476 and are BBA Approved. 110mm and ...
Polysewer Snap Caps and Seals
Polysewer Snap Caps and Seals are BBA Approved and are manufactured to 150mm diameter. They can be used to adapt 87.5° bends and 45° unequal junctions to EN 1401 pipes, or they can be used to adapt 87 ...
Polysewer Rodding Eye
Polysewer Rodding Eyes are BBA Approved and are manufactured in aluminium with a sealed oval top. They are available in 150mm diameter. 110mm and 160mm sockets are for connection EN 1401-1 solid wall pi ...
Polysewer Adaptors
Our Polysewer Adaptors and Reducers are manufactured in 150mm to 300mm diameters, and are designed to help connect Polysewer pipes to other piping systems. Polysewer Spigot Adaptors (to EN 1401-1) are s ...
Polysewer Saddle
Polysewer Saddles allow for the leak-tight and secure connection of 160mm EN 1401-1 underground drainage pipe to existing Polysewer structured wall pipes. Polysewer Saddles are WRc Approved and are suit ...

Ridgisewer Integrally Socketed Pipe
Ridgisewer Integrally Socketed Pipes are available in 400-600mm diameters in standard 3m lengths (6m lengths available on request, subject to minimum order quantities). They are manufactured in accordan ...
Ridgisewer Nitrile Sealing Rings
Ridgisewer Nitrile Sealing Rings are designed to complement our Ridgisewer Integrally Socketed structured wall pipes and fittings, available in 400-600mm diameters. They are manufactured in accordance w ...
Ridgisewer Sealing Rings
Ridgisewer Sealing Rings are designed to complement our Ridgisewer Integrally Socketed structured wall pipes and fittings, available in 400-600mm diameters. They are manufactured in accordance with BSI ...
Ridgisewer Couplers
Ridgisewer couplers are manufactured in both double socket and double socket slip couplings, with both types supplied with 2 seals. They are available in 400-600mm diameters and are manufactured in acco ...
Ridgisewer Bends
Ridgisewer Bends are manufactured in 400-600mm diameters and are available in radii of 11.25°,22.5°,45° and 90°. They are BBA Approved and each bend will need to have seals ordered separately if req ...
Ridgisewer Junctions
Ridgisewer Junctions are manufactured in both equal and unequal designs from 400-600mm, with both 45°and 90° junction radii available. They are BBA Approved. Seals must be ordered separately if requir ...
Ridgisewer End Caps
Ridgisewer End Caps are manufactured in four sizes from 400-600mm diameters to complement our Ridgisewer range of structured wall pipes and fittings. They are BBA Approved and seals must be ordered sepa ...
Ridgisewer Saddles
Ridgisewer Saddles allow for the leak-tight and secure connection of 160mm EN 1401-1 underground drainage pipe to existing Ridgisewer structured wall pipes. Ridgisewer saddles are WRc Approved and are s ...
Ridgisewer Installation Stubs
Installation Stubs are available for both Ridgidrain and Ridgisewer for pipe sizes 400-600mm. They assist with the safe jointing of pipes by providing a flat surface for on-site construction machinery t ...

Ridgistorm-XL Large Diameter Pipe System
Ridgistorm-XL is an engineered large diameter pipe system, in diameters 750-3000mm, for use in a wide variety of applications including surface water, foul water, combined sewers, large scale flood ...
Ridgistorm-XL Chamber Accessories
We have a selection of chamber accessories that can be pre-fabricated into our RIDGISTORMAccess Manholes, to provide enhacned Health and Safety benefits for workers inside our chambers. All chambers are ...
Ridgistorm-XL Chamber Lifting Points
Our range of Ridgistorm-XL Chamber Lifting Points have been designed specifically to aid in the safe handling of Ridgistorm-XL chambers when loading, off-loading and installing the products on-site. ...
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Complete Sewer Systems

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