Terrain Rainwater Outlets Product Range
Take a look at our range of rainwater outlets for flat roof and balcony applications for commercial, industrial and public sector developments.
Terrain Roof and Balcony Rainwater Outlets for Commercial Buildings
We've an extensive range of rainwater outlets for flat roof and balcony applications for commercial, industrial and public sector developments. Our comprehensive range covers rainwater outlets from 50mm-110mm.
If you're looking for outlets for a large roof area we'd recommend using the Terrain Siphonic Roof Drainage System. You may also wish to consider the systems for greater flow rates, horizontal pipework and reduced pipe diameters too.
Contact us as early as possible in your project so that we can tailor the right system for your project needs. Click here or call us on 01622 795 200.
Features & Benefits
Terrain Flow Control Outlet
Designed to control rainwater run-off from flat roof areas and podium decks, the Terrain Flow Control Outlet is a 2 part disc which can be installed inside any of our large rainwater outlets to control the flow of rainwater at source on the roof or podium deck, complementing our Rainwater Interception System for roofs and podiums.
The rainwater outlet has 8 positions, which allows a different flow rate on the head of water. The rainwater is attenuated at source within permavoid geocellular cells and released at the designed flow rate.
It should be used in conjunction with the trusted Terrain PVC Soil & Waste and Terrain FUZE drainage pipe products for in-buildings rainwater drainage for a full system approach. For full product details see the Terrain Rainwater Outlets product pages and choose the Flow Control Adjustment Kit to fit inside one of our outlets.
Take a look at our range of rainwater outlets for flat roof and balcony applications for commercial, industrial and public sector developments.
Formerly the tallest building in Southampton, the Millbrook Tower stands at 240 feet. Built over 50 years ago, the building had a cast iron drainage system...
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