
Ridgichute is a sumpless gully that has been designed for use on carriageways for the capture of surface water drainage from a larger catchment area than traditional gully pots. The main benefit of its sumpless design is to eliminate the need for maintenance and cleaning activities on high risk carriageways. This also removes the need for the carriageway to be closed, allowing traffic to be free flowing. There are three sizes available which have been designed to sit beneath the most popular gully gratings. Available sizes are: 600 x 600mm, 900 x 900mm and 1200 x 675mm, with the choice of either a 225mm or 300mm outlet.

Key benefits

• Reduces the risk of gully blockages due to silt accumulation

• Captures water from a larger carriageway surface area

• Reduces the need for workmen on the carriageway undertaking gully maintenance

• Reduces number of individual maintenance activities

• Fits under the most popularly used gratings

• Integrates with the Ridgidrain system

• Prevents contaminated silts and liquor accumulation

• Eliminates the foul flush of heavily polluted sump liquor


Ridgichute is to be used for carriageway applications to help capture surface water from a larger road area. They are to be used in conjunction with the Ridgidrain piping system and RIDGISTORMSeparate Chambers. Captured surface water falls through the Ridgichute outlet directly into the Ridgidrain system. The pipework will then lead to a silt collection chamber where maintenance activities can take place away from the carriageway.


When surrounded by concrete the Ridgichute will have a life equivalent to that of the precast concrete and clay gullies. Ridgichute gullies are resistant to the most common chemicals and are suitable for surface water drainage applications.

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