We are pleased to announce that once again a Mason Pinder Apprentice has been shortlisted for the Worshipful Company of Horners and BPF Polymer Apprentice of the Year.
Lavinia Stevenson is a 4th Year Design Engineering Apprentice at Polypipe Toolmakers Mason Pinder. Lavinia started her career as an Apprentice Toolmaker and has now progressed and moved into a Design Apprentice Role.
Lavinia has demonstrated an unparalleled attitude towards learning during her time at Mason Pinder needing little encouragement to progress and constantly asking the right questions in order to succeed.
Throughout her time at Mason Pinder Lavinia has taken on several tasks but the one that stands out - saving time, money and the need to subcontract whilst re-designing and planning the Mouldshop floor plan at our Edlington plant.
She was set a task of designing a floor plan to incorporate the existing machines and several new machines, with many space and accessibility restraints to contend with. The project took place over 8 months starting from the planning stages to final completion and required Lavinia to liaise with a whole spectrum of people across the business.
Whilst working her way through her apprenticeship, balancing working life, trying to gain her academic qualifications at AMRC and still make time for a social life, Lavinia also decided, off her own back, to take on an additional course for AutoCAD, knowing that her long term goal was to progress into a design role.
Lavinia has now completed her BTEC – level 3 with a distinction grade and the team at Mason Pinder are now looking at what is the best further education for her new position as a designer.
Lavinia is a credit to all of us here at Polypipe and Mason Pinder and we wish her all the best in the Awards process.
If you follow our online posts regularly you may notice that this is not the first time we have had an Apprentice shortlisted for this accolade. Jordan Clayton was announced as the winner of the Worshipful Company of Horners and BPF 2019 Polymer Apprentice of the Year.
Jordan is currently undertaking a Mechanical Engineering Apprenticeship at BTEC Level 3 whilst working at Mason Pinder.
You can read more about that here Polypipe’s Jordan Clayton wins Polymer Apprentice of the Year 2019 | Polypipe